Beautiful people, beautiful people

Ah, the Winter Freakshow Project.  What a project indeed.  Born when I was first accepted to Cal, I decided that I would scare everyone when I got back to Hawaii.  So I donned the blue hair, bracelets, chokers, et al of the common Berkeley "freak."  I learned a lot from this project.  Most of what I learned, my stories, and all that came of this are covered in a yet to be posted January Bip Report.
How did this change come about?  Well, let's see.

           Before                                                            During                                                                        After

The first thing I had to do was bleach my hair.  I ended up bleaching it twice, but here is the first go at it.  As you can see, I am smiling for the camera.  The next picture shows Cindy (left) and Mariel (right) during the act of bleaching.  And the last picture is after.  That information was provided in case you can only read size 14 font, and not 12.
I was very pleased with the bleached hair for a while.  But it is very Mang-like, so maybe not.

Hi Mom!  Hi Dad!

Many people asked me how my parents reacted.  This is the picture of their initial reaction.  My Mom (to the right of my head) looks very dismayed.  My Dad (to the right of my Mom) is laughing.  This picture was taken by Priscilla.  Nice shot.
My favorite however, is the guy standing to my right, looking at me.  Check out his expression.  He is choke pissed.  Look at that guy.  "Grrrr...damn kids!"

Me and Cody pose for the camera.  Better lighting than the first picture.