
Welcome to the Bip Report.

"News from home"
Well, many of you now know about Dawn Miura.  For those of you who don't know, last Sunday, Dawn Miura commited suicide with a gun.  This is a terribly tragic incident, and I apologize for starting the Bip Report on this note.  But I feel that I must somehow address the issue.  Like most of you, I didn't know Dawn at all.  Yet it doesn't take away from the strangeness and the tragedy of this event.  With this, I bring a message.

"Bip's Message"
Okay folks, whatever you do, however bad things may seem, DO NOT DO THIS.  I don't care how bad your problems seem, or how crappy things seem to be going.  If things are junk, they can only get better.  We have all had hard times in life, but we all make it through.
Every person has many people that care about them.  Your parents, your friends, etc.  You wouldn't be on the Bip Report if I didn't care about you.  So always remember that there are people who care about you.
I'm not a terribly emotional person.  I have trouble expressing sorrow and grief.  I mean, I express happiness and excitement pretty good, but other than that, my emotions don't exist on regular wavelengths.  I relate to stupid things, and get sad about them, but for normal things to get sad about...no reaction.  I don't know what the point of this is, but again, things can only get better.  You will always have pressures in life - that is inevitable.  But there are always good times.  And there are many good times to come in the future.  Everyone on this list but Kathie and Lincoln are teens (oh, and my sister).  So there are many good times yet to come.  Don't throw it all away for nothing.

"Method for the Madness"
If you do choose to commit suicide, I recommend that you go out in a blaze of glory of some sort.  You could go out, and propose to clean up the streets, and go and try to impose vigilante style justice on thugs and gang bangers.  And when you inevitably get your ass worked, and go to the hospital, you will be able to reassess your life, and realize how many people come to see you, and how many people care for you, and you will wonder what possessed you to want to leave this world.  Again, there are many people who care about each and every one of you.

Now I have the task of gracefully switching the subject, and getting into the upbeat tempo that is the trademark of the Bip Report.  So how bout that Fang, huh?

"Math Midterm"
I got this sucker back, and it was decent.  75/84.  But 1 point was because I transefered a number wrong.  THREE points were from stupid mistakes in graphing.  1) did not label axes "X" and "Y."  2) did not put arrows at the end of axes.  3) did not label units on vertical axis (i put them on the horizontal axis, and I had equidistant hash marks on vertical, but apparently it wasn't obvious enough).  So in reality, I earned a 79.  Not bad.

"200 club"
Well I'm not sure if this is much of a club, and if it is, there are many members.  But I bench-pressed 200 pounds today.  Normally, I wouldn't feel the need to brag about this, but I just thought I would put this in.

I'm reading psych stuff now about Freudian theory.  I am certain I was fixated at the "Anal Stage" as I am choke anal about various stupid things.  ie HAVE to eat various foods in certain ways, can't step on certain things, generally messy, but have to keep certain things neat.  Like that.
Also, I have concluded Fang is a being of pure id.  There is not a trace of superego in him.  He is all about fulfiling his desires without the constraints of society.  There are many examples of this, and to see them, simply refer to previous Bip Reports.  Pay special note to sexual desires, as this is Freud's specialty.  I think my point is proven sufficiently.

Well that's all for today.  Until next time, diamonds are forever, and so is Bip's caring and...i guess love for all of you.