Bonjour everybody to the Bip Love's Love Shack. Now first off, I have to give my most sincere apology for yesterday's report. I guess I kicked my good lovin mojo into overdrive, and the computer was able to handle. So instead you got some kind of freaked out message! Well I apologize to all my cats out there. And the Dude promises that will never happen again. Ow!!!!
I have decided to do away with the old Bip Report style of those nasty headers. You can't get the plot without seeing the movie, right? So with that aside, let's talk about what's been going down in the town of loooove.
Perhaps you folks have heard of this little band outta that nice little place called Makaha. Well yesterday, a lot of us went over to see the Makaha Sons play a few tunes in Oakland. A lot of us people for Berkeley went, and we were joined by Molly Pietsch and Reenah Shah.
I'm sure you've heard of a few of the songs sung by this group. They sang a little, and the Dude was pretty impressed by the lovely ladies that were dancing on the stage. Ow!!! Have mercy.
Scott Aoki, my main man, asked them to play "Rusty Old Steam Pipes," but they shot him down, and said, "Wait for Sunday!"
By the way, I'm sure you all know that Sunday will be a very busy day for Bip Love. That's right, because the 14th is Valentine's Day, and the Dude will be showering in all the lovin. Ow!!!! Have mercy!!!
Anyway, the concert was a smash, and we all headed home happy. We stopped over to get some food at the food court on Durant. But the Dude had already ate, so he decided to get ice cream. We headed over to Yogurt Park to get our soft serve.
Carey got chocolate, Scott got wildberry, and the Dude ordered a nice oreo shake. After that, Scott and the Dude went over to my place to watch the Robotech videos.
Khyron goes out to destroy the SDF-1, but the highlight was the showdown between Max Sterling and the lovely Miss Miriya. But Bip Love has to disagree with all that fighting, and has to say there should be a lot more loving, cause there can never be enough love, baby!