Welcome to the Bip Report.
"Web Page"
First order of business. My webpage is coming along quite nicely now. It is not totally complete yet, but it is looking very nice. It's a fairly large page, so it's been quite time consuming, but I go for quality! I have still yet to make the pages for all the Bip Report archives. I have the page made, but I haven't made links to the individual reports yet. Once I do that, then I'll give you all the address, and you can all start visiting. If you can find it now, you can look at it, but it is more or less impossible to find. I expect it to be ready by next week.
Scott, so how are we going to do this? I end class at 2 tomorrow. Actually, I have math at 3-4, but I think I'm going to go to Yo-Yo Land, to buy li hing mui and Pokemon paraphernelia. 3:30 is Pokemon time, and you just can't miss an episode. It ends at 4, so where are we supposed to meet you at this time? Maybe I'll go to class, watch Pkemon in class, and then I'll be closer to where I might have to meet you. At any rate, decide on a meeting spot, decide on the time, and report ASAP.
Do you realize that Carnival is tommorow???? How's that, huh? It seems like it was only yesterday...we were running around, carefree, putting on the Variety Show, and going around the Carnival grounds...games, and rides, and food. Ah, the memories. Back in 7th grade, we'd rush out to the Carnival and be the first in line to ride the Zipper...ah. It brings a tear to the eye. Even though I've never actually been on the Zipper, and never stood in the line.
"Top of the World"
Well you juniors, which is really only you Yoshioka, have fun with this Carnival. Actually, you're probably making weight right now, which more or less infringes on the fun value of the carnival. But after you kick ass in the dual meet, don't hesitate to go to the Carnival, and eat everything you can. In junior year, I remember I ate choke after the dual meet. That was the one against St.Louis. Masaki was all saying I was going to get killed, but I ended up winning and getting intimidator. But the sweetest part of that weekend was eating all the food afterwards. And for whatever logic-defying reason, I actually lost weight after eating all that food. I have no idea how that was done. All I remember is that Carnival marked the turning point in my weight-cutting struggle for junior year. It was sweet as hell. I just started spontaneously losing weight after that. It got to the point where I was able to eat a muffin for breakfast on the day of States, and I was still like only 111. That was the happiest breakfast of my life.
Anyway, moral of the story, perhaps if you eat a lot of food after the dual meet, you too can spontaneously lose weight. I of course tried this again in Senior Year, but it failed miserably, and I had to cut even more weight the next week, but it's a gamble ya gotta take!
"Variety Show"
And for the seniors...I guess that would be Kristin and Zoe. Since I gave Andrew Han the big boot from the Bip Report list. Hmm, even though your show undoubtedly will make no sense whatsoever, it is still yet good fun. I suppose you will know that by the time you get around to reading this Bip Report though. So yes. Go out and have fun. Sing, dance, say your line with pride. We're losing her! With authority! Or if you're Brian, you say your multiple lines! You steal that show! You too KC Carter! Everyone now! Except Drew and Emily. You steal the show back from us! That's right! Everyone can be a star! Yeah! Woo! You go Josh and John. You run on that damn stage with no shoes after we come back from Iolani. Hell yeah! And you go Gayna! You take Kevin Ota's spot! You take that spot with priiiiide. And you let her take that spot Carrie! That's right! Yeah! Built this city on Heart and Soul baby! Yeah!
Okay, I small kine apologize for that above passage.
So anyway, I guess that's a Wrap. Dragonaire's attack continues. POW POW POW
Okay. I'm tired. I'm delirious. It's like Conan O' Brien. Until next time, diamonds are forever, and so is the Farm.