
Welcome to the Bip Report.

"Brian and Alan"
Brian and Alan are here.  Yeah.  It was like, "Hey, Brian!  Alan!...007."  Anyway, they drove 13 hours down from UW.  That's right.  13 hours.  They say they went through 6 hours of Alan's MP3s.  There was much Star Wars trailer to be seen, and Brian says he thought he was in an X-Wing, and /or new fighters that are in the prequel.  Anyway, a 13 hour drive is quite the daunting task.  So props to them for making it.  Next stop, LA.

I did a little hair cut action too.  I got cut my hair by myself, which I consider to be pretty damn good.  I had choke hair on the top of my head, and now it is somewhat short.  I also have a 60/40 ratio of black to green hair.  In all, I was pleased with my job on my haircut.

"Robotech II:  The Sentinels"
We watched the crappiest Robotech thing ever.  It is Robotech II: The Sentinels.  It is crap.  For starters, Breetai has a double face plate.  What the hell is that?  A double face plate?!  What happened to his other eye?  Is it gone?  I don't understand.  And his skin is human colored.  No, that is just not acceptable.  Number two.  Miriya with short hair.  Number three.  Max with short hair.  Number four.  Lisa without curvy stuff at the bottom of her hair.  Number five.  No coordination with the overall storyline.  Number...well you get it.  Damn it, I was pissed.  Pretty much the only thing I liked was young Dana Sterling and Bowie.  Other than that...NOTHING.

My sister also came up from San Louis Obisbo.  She is at my Uncle's place now.  We ate Korean food at the good restaurant.  Very tasty.  She is dropping Jay off tomorrow.  He is going home tomorrow back to Colorado.
Since Jay is leaving now, I finally get him to guest write on the Bip Report.  It's like he was avoiding it, but now he must do his duty.

"Here's Jay"
I have spent most of my time here at Bip's playing the well known N64 game "Golden Eye."  This game was extremly frustrating at first because of the silly little thumb joystick.  After logging over 12 hours on this game I found myself still getting whooped by guys who own the game.  Still, I play on.  I run around shooting my PP7 at the walls.  After I get put down, I enjoy a good death cry.  Popular ones include "Aw jEEz, What? Hell no, and Whacha?wha?"  But I have to say the best part is doing the victory cries.  Upon killing me Bip sings the old Bone Thugs song to me: "PoP PoP! run with us run with us..."  He reapeats it over and over until I kill him.  My favorite thing to say as I'm plugging someone with my Fat RC-260 is "No Mr. Powers I expect you...to...die."  All in all I say join the many.  Deal with the silly thumbstick and BOND with us.  Two thumbs way up for this excelent party/sleepover game.

That's right.  Bond is the way to go.  Another observation me and Jay had is, you know someone is good at this game if they use one of the question mark characters.  Then you know you're in for some hard core ass whippings.  You also know someone sucks if they decide to use Bond himself.  That's Bond.

Okay, tomorrow may feature Brian and Alan.  Until then, diamonds are forever and so isn't The Sentinels.