Whattup everybody. It's bip and the report, coming at ya. Uh huh, uh
huhOkay, let's get down to biness.
"Please folks, please"
PLEASE DO CAREY'S SURVEY!!!! It's not a foward. It's not a chain
letter or anything. You know how I feel about chain letters, so you
know I wouldn't send one to you. It's an experiment for his psych
class, and I'd really appreciate if y'all could help him out, and do
the survey. If you don't know anything about baseball, it doesn't
matter. If you don't know the answer to any question, just guess. It
don't matter. It's not supposed to be given to only experts, so if
you don't know some answers, it doesn't matter. Again, it's for his
grade, so please do it. clew@uclink4.berkeley.edu
You should have time this week to do the survey. If you don't know
Carey, who cares. You don't need to know him to answer the survey.
Suffice to say his grade is dependant on your support, so please
please please do the damn thing. Regardless of whatever bias, just do
the survey. Undoubetdly Joey will put Yankees 100%. Great! Whatever
you like, just do the survey."Math midterm"
Well, I got my math midterm back. I got a B or so. My class grade is
a B now. Not bad, I say. I'm sure you don't care, but just thought
I'd say."Cowboy Fund"
I'm also serious about this! Send money to the cowboy fund! I will
not keep the money! It will all go to Cowboy!!"Seniors, help me out"
While the Bip Report was busy breaking the Big Mo story, I realized
there are several subscribers in school, who probably know the
situation. Zoe, Andrew, Kristin, Darrin. Help out the Bip Report,
and give me the info on Mighty Mo. I hear there are many yet
unrevealed dimensions to the story. Zoe, I'm sure you know something,
you gossiping madwoman. Darrin, ask Peacock about it. Undoubtedly,
Peacock has first hand info on the story. I'm even contemplating
calling Peacock long-distance to get the scoop. Well, I'll wait for
my senior sources to get on it."Radio"
Nolan, Brent, and Sara. I know you folks are I-94 junkies. You
believe I-94 to be a superior network, and it provides excellent songs
and DJs. I have news for you. There is a station in SF called 106
KMEL. And 106 KMEL JAMS!!!!! It frickin rocks anything in Hawaii by
several degrees. You know how I-94 has their morning crew, and the
Loose crew, and whatnot? They consider themselves to be good and all.
KMEL is so good, they have Jay-D, that's right, Jermaine Dupree, as a
DJ for like midnight or something. They got Chewy Gomez for nights,
and he frickin got connections out the ying yang. Connections of such
that get Jay-D to DJ for them. That's right Nolan. While you're
stressing about losing "Life in 1492" and touting I-94, Jay-D is on
the radio playing stuff in SF. How do you like them apples? I got
her number!!!"Dang it, this is a cruddy Bip Report"
I apologize. This Bip Report is coming out kinda junk. Well I don't
care. Shoot, I'm just asking you folks for stuff. That ain't no fun."Fire Alarm"
Here's a story. We had our very first fire alarm today! Dang it
sucks. Fortunatly, I wasn't doing anyting, so it was easy to leave.
Well, actually, everyone here in the ghetto is too stupid to leave the
building. We kinda walked around the hall for a while talking and
holding our ears. We found out that someone had left a pot on the
stove. For three hours. The pot melted INTO the stove, and was
smoking like a mofo. What kind of idiot leaves a pot on a stove for
three hours with nothing in it??? I swear, whoever did that is waking
up bald or something. Here's the funny thing about it. After we
finally got down (it took us like 10 minutes to decide to go down.
Meanwhile, people were going up and looking at the pot, and inhaling
the Carbon Monoxide and whatnot). We finally got down, however. But
it took 20 minutes for the fire department to get here. If it were a
real fire, we would've burned to a crisp. Why is it there are fire
engines blazing by at all hours of the day in Berkeley, but when we
actually need it, it's not there?"Fang's Reaction"
Sorry, Gayna, but I gotta put Fang stories in. When Fang heard the
alarm, he reacted like such a stupid idiot, I swear. He was all
laughing, and saying, "Oh man, this is like, so stupid, because its
like, there's no fire." Every funny comment someone said during this
time, Fang stole it. He would proceed to butcher every phrase (I know
how you feel now Nolan) and just be a general FOB idiot about it. He
was clapping his hands and getting excited about how we were having a
fire drill. I think he was happy about it. Everyone else was pissed
but you make jokes in a situation like this to pass time and vent
anger, you know? Fang was genuinly pleased about the drill, and tried
to act cool about it. I swear I hate him.Well that's a wrap. We be back tomorrow, for a brand spanking new
report. DO CAREY'S SURVEY!!!!!!!!
Until then, diamonds are forever, and so KMEL!